Quantitative Research

 In-House Call Center

The Matrix Group's in-house staff of market research professionals are highly experienced in telephone interviewing. Using our custom-designed CATI system, our center can facilitate business-to-business projects and consumer interviewing.

 Mail Surveys

Our project team can handle every aspect of your mail survey including questionnaire design, coordination of printing and mailing, data entry using our technologically-advanced scanning system and analysis as well as reporting.

 Web Survey Features

  • Support for all question types (single, multiple, scaled, text and open-end) and various formats (grids, drop-down boxes)
  • Complex skip patterns
  • Ability to choose the number of questions a respondent sees on a page
  • Ability for the respondent to review and amend answers easily
  • Recall previous responses
  • Multimedia support, including image, sound and video files
  • Suspend and resume survey (respondents pick-up where they left off)
  • Password protection
  • Real-time error checking
  • Status bar progress

  Data Processing & Reporting

 Real-Time Data Reporting (View Demo)

AccessPoint™, The Matrix Group's online data reporting system, provides real-time results in a variety of different ways through the use of dynamic, interactive charts and tables, customized specifically for your project. Multiple styles of charts, graphs and tables, are available to display results for any type of data collected, ranging from overall responses for specific questions to individual answers for entire surveys.

You control who sees the data at any step of the process through a built in administration console that allows you to assign viewing access to an unlimited number of users (each with as much or as little access as you choose).

Because it's real-time, the displays are automatically updated as each survey is completed. Internet-based results are available any time, any place. Perfect for any type of project, our online application makes viewing and reporting your research results better and easier than ever!

 Tabulation, Analysis and Reporting

The Matrix Group provides data tabulation, analysis and reporting in a readable, easy to use format. We have the flexiblity to handle data in many different formats including ASCII files, column binary and database formats.

Our data professionals will work with you on the layout and design of your tables to create a custom look that is easily integrated into your presentations exactly as you specify. We can also provide charts and graphs to add visual appeal to your research results.